Wind Speed Anemometer


Anemometer, Paddle, 3-24 VDC

SKU: PDT-0016 Category:

The wind speed anemometer is a rotating cup, reed switch sensing device that works with Sapphire Fountains Splash Wizard Industrial fountain control systems for wind control. The pulse signal from this anemometer is used for controlling pump speeds & shut-off during low, medium, and high wind events.


Additional information

Product Specifications

Dimensions – see spec sheet
Voltage: 3-24 vdc (optimal life span in lower voltage range)
Wire: 25 ft length, 2 conductor 20 awg
Wind speed range: 5-125 mph
Mounting options:
Screw holes in vertical bracket
Insert vertical mount bracket into conduit fitting with 1/2" SE water tight conduit connector
Remove attachment screw & vertical mount bracket, glue anemometer body into 1" pvc socket fitting

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